Sunday, March 27, 2011

Home to roost

This is Blog #3 for the night.  I'm on a roll now.
I thought this was an interesting sequence of pictures.  This is a view that you see when you are driving out of our complex in SC.  During the day, there are no birds in the trees but at dusk, they all start returning.  Over the course of about an hour, literally thousands of birds return (home, I'm thinking) for the night.  Stephen said it reminded him of when he was a child and had to be home when the streetlights came on.

It's hard to tell in the picture but these really are birds, not flowers and I'm not kidding when I say thousands of birds.

What's for Dinner

Last night we went to Perkins and I had potato pancakes.  Usually, they are quite tasty but I was disappointed.  I told Stephen that my mother made the best potato pancakes and I was never able to duplicate them. 
Zosia, I'm going to dedicate this blog to you because I know that you absolutely adored Mom's potato pancakes.
While I was at work, Stephen downloaded a recipe and guess what we had for dinner?

Don't look Zosia, but Stephen is using the wrong side of the grater.  He's shredding the potato instead of grating it!!!

With egg and flour added.  Doesn't look too appealing.

Zosia, this doesn't look right.

So time to do another batch.  Peel more potatoes.

Use the grater 

Add an egg and a sprinkle of flour

Umm umm good

Stephen says that his mother's potato pancakes are better.

Spring in South Carolina

Wow, it's been a long time since our last post.  Now that Stephen is back in the US, maybe our lives are less interesting ... or maybe we're just not big-time bloggers and we haven't taken the time to record any thoughts.  Don't be surprised if you see some Paris blogs in the future.  These are blogs that I have thought about but never got around to actually writing.  What is it that they say about "good intentions?
We were expecting to stay in the UK until June but in January, it was decided that Stephen was needed elsewhere and it was time to pack up everything and return to the US.  It's too bad because there were a few side trips that we were hoping to take over the next few months.  However, having said that, it's great to be home for good.  Not sure how much travel Stephen is still going to experience but since January, he's already been to China and India.

I decided to write about Spring in SC because this has been a lonnnnnnng winter and maybe if I write about Spring, it actually might come to Wisconsin.  I was fortunate enough to be able to go south for the last week of February.  Here are my Spring photos: 

Front of the house

 Down the street

In the back yard

Just to show you the difference between SC and WI, here's what my forsythia looks like in WI

And here's what my Pampas grass looks like in WI

Dusk on the golf course

Turtles coming out to play

Gecko or some sort of lizard
And birds frolicking

And finally, one more photo of February in SC