Saturday, July 11, 2009

First Blog

First Blog

This is our first Blog. After almost of year of reading other blogs of family ("theinmanscoop" and "islandhermit"), we have decided to create our own blog. Originally Stephen started one, and he called it Paris at 60, but we felt that was not a good name as Genya is not 60, and it is not all about Paris. So, how did we determine our blog name? Not an easy task as the name needed to be relevant, not too cutesy and most importantly, not already taken. As we both listen to Rod Stewart (Stephen perhaps a bit more than Genya), the lyrics of the song "Forever Young" seem to have resonated with us... in fact, Stephen did quote from the song as he gave a tribute to Stephanie at her wedding last month. Long story short .. it seemed fitting to call our blog "foreveryounginmans" Stephen promises not to write about work (actually discouraged by his company) and we will concentrate on photos and stories about our travels and reflections on what we see and do. Sometimes we'll compose our blog jointly and other times, we'll be making separate entries as we are quite often not in the same location at the same time. All this travelling does have some drawbacks.

So, enough said for our first entry. We welcome our readers - family and friends. Join us as we continue our travels, both home and abroad.

The photo above shows us in Pisa, on the top of the leaning tower! (picture taken last November)

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