Sunday, June 6, 2010


It seems as though I am always running behind in this blog.  I still have lots of potential entries for our stay in Paris but we are now moving to Cheltenham in England.  Actually, I guess it would be more accurate to say that we are in the throes of moving.  Tomorrow, we fly back to Paris and Stephen will return to the UK with the rest of his suitcases at the end of the week.
So, goodbye Paris flat.... hello Cheltenham.

Outside the Paris flat

View out the window.  It's a little deceiving because normally there wouldn't be as much traffic....there was a strike taking place that day in Bastille Square and cars were being diverted. 

Having left the flat, we moved into temporary accommodations in a nearby hotel.

I thought the flat was small...

At least we had a nice view

The one picture we didn't take was of the 7 boxes that were shipped to the UK ahead of us.  It's easy to accumulate "things".  I thought Stephen was going to downsize when he left China but it seems that socks, and underwear, and shirts, and books tend to multiply in spite of good intentions.

Here are some indoor pictures of the new flat in Cheltenham.  It's a one bedroom - much appreciated after the studio flat in Paris.

I didn't mean for our laundry to show up in this picture.

View form the bedroom window.  The traffic is very close so it can be a bit noisy.

Since the above view isn't that attractive.... here's a more pleasing impression of Cheltenham.

And finally, I couldn't resist showing a picture of the birthday boy - celebrating after settling into a new apartment.

1 comment:

  1. Is that seafood sitting on outdoor tables in Paris? Can you just mow down a clam or oyster as you stroll down the street? And Stephen . . . you look like Penny Webb's "little pyjama boy!"
